Friday, November 13, 2009

The Storm

The storm has come and gone - leaving us with our good friends Pete and Meg.  Quite unusual weather for this time of year, Western India experiencing a cylcone.  It meant battening down the hatches around here for two days, the ocean getting completely wild and rain coming in sideways at times, even blowing under our front door. Pete and Meg's room - designed like all the huts on the coast for hot weather - had a lot of rain blown in around their roof.  Some worries along the coast, but fortunately the storm didn't really directly move in to the coast.  However, really unfortunately, it seems a number of smaller fishing trawlers were caught unawares and as of yet, there are a number of boats and sailors missing.  Hopefully, they're just out of communication.  Since then we've had quite a change in the weather, with a bit of a cool down and back to blue skies.

A bit of weather near our house.

The seas calmed down a fair bit the day after.

The cows not particularly worried the day after the two day cyclone.

Some of the after effect.


A quite jet-lagged Pete, and Margaret at breakfast at the White Sands.

Pete in extreme.

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