Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some new pics around Agonda, post-trip to Hampi (have to catch up!)

Ok, so I changed around the previous blog, moved some pics from there to here...etc.  Back from our trip to Hampi.  As Anne said, ' Wayyy behond her expectations!' (I knew the place would blow anyone's mind). It was a lot cooler in Hampi - daytime highs in the upper 20's only, evening down to ~15 degrees! Huge changes around the beach in Agonda in the five days we were away - the high seas combined with public workers haved cleaned up the beach quite a lot.  Pretty warm still, though.  Still, lots of pics from around here, so I'll try to get these done and up.  


Pete with his favorite fruit.






Ladies of a local little shop.




A big can of manure.