Monday, November 23, 2009

Some more pics from around Agonda - a short list with more to come.

It's been beautiful here for the last few days - sunny, clear skies, some nice breezes.  But this afternoon it turned Steenking Hot again.  My prediction - or hope - is for a return to the more mild weather.  We're off by train to Hampi in a few days, then returning to Agonda for the last bit before Anne has to return home. (Revised blog)


 When we first got here in October there were TONS of these things  washed up on the shore.  After having been stung in 1995, I had no urge to go in & swim with the jellyfish.  Since the cyclone they've fortunately completely disappeared and swimming on this gentle beach is a dream.

 There are some huge butterflies here, but I almost never seem to be able to catch a pic of them.





I can't help it.  There are lots of animals around here...and I don't mean just foreigners....or all the cows (way more cows than over the last years).  Lots of beach dogs, but a fair number of cats...and kittens.