Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, I'm now back home in Victoria and though quite happy to be back....damn it's cold! Admittedly, not the cold of Nunavut, Germany or even western Massachusetts, but near-the-ocean-windy-rainy-cold. And I do so miss the friends I've made on this trip, but so happy to have my family and old (sorry) friends around me.
I will finish publishing on this blog a variety pictures from this trip, including some places I visited early on but didn't publish any pics about (Hampi and Ellora & Ajanta), and some more pics of the places I've already inundated you with pictures of.  I may even get around to writing/ranting something about the places I've been.  I will get these done up as soon as I can fit the stuff into my busy schedule.
Still, a big thanks to all who have dropped in on this blog.  It's been a real pleasure (well, sometimes a bit of a pain given internet speeds) to select the odd pic to display a bit of what this trip was like and the places I moved through.  Hopefully you check back for the new stuff to come.
It was fun.   But.....I'll be back.......
Maybe exhibiting not such an 'active' interest.

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